Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A compilation of some old poems

The Neem Tree 14 September 1993

Along side the road
Standing tall and gay,
Shadowing like a hood
Seeing children play,
Stood the neem tree,
Once upon a time.

Grinning at birds chirruping about
Forming a huge crowd
Some small, some cute,some stout,
Some black breasted and proud
Stood the neem tree
Once upon a time.

Its feet touching the ground
Protecting the idol of God
Curled with threads and twines
In colours bright and fine
Stood the neem tree
Once upon a time.

Now, with little care
Its leaves brown and scarce
Its branches bald and lean
Bending from between
Stands the neem tree
Remembering its time
When it was green and live!!

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The Broken Dream 21september 1993

Amidst the shadows of curls,
Upon the once snow fleeced face,
A reddening appears
And then, from far away,
A place inaccessible till today,
Grows a tiny droplet of grief.

A tear, shattering the barriers of resistance,
Looking for a shoulder for assistance,
Shuddering the very might,
Telling the tales of his hardship in life.

He had borne so much
So he could no longer hide,
His dream broken,
He cried,
In the loved memory of his dead wife.

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Death At Doorstep 22 September 1993

Shrugging hi shoulders
Bending hid head
He knelt in front of Lord
For he was a failure
A dam swept by the feet
By a river flowing in fury
His eyes damp he wept
Letting out his hand for support
Grasping for air he trod
Crying with pain
He bawled in his distress and sorrow
For he knew he would be dead tomorrow
He had things to do
Thoughts to grow
His children to rear
Difficulties to tackle
Mysteries to crackle
But ‘life’ stood meaningless today
Foe he had cancer and had long crossed the bay.

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